Shorecrest School

Celebrating Pi Day in Fifth Grade

Middle School News

Shorecrest fifth graders celebrated March 14, or 3/14, also known as Pi Day, in style! On the first day back from spring break, students rotated through four Pi-related activities. 

They explored the concept of Pi by measuring the circumference and diameter of various circular objects, like hula hoops and candles. Then they looked for patterns in their calculations after dividing their measurements. 

Students had opportunities to find where their birthday digits exist within the Pi decimal places, or memorize the digits of Pi. Students were shocked to learn that the world record is over 70,000 digits, which took the winner over 10 hours to recite!

To make some artistic connections, students could graph the Pi digits and create “skyline” artwork out of the graphs. 

Fifth graders also wrote poetry in which the words of their poem had 3 letters, then 1 letter, followed by 4 letters, and so on. 

Of course the day had to include eating actual PIE! The Chargers wrapped up the morning celebration with a sweet, round treat.

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