Shorecrest School

Clinic Byte: Sleep

Health & Guidance

Everyone feels better and more energized after a good night of sleep, but it seems that there is not enough time in a 24 hour period to sleep. Too many things to do, deadlines to meet, emails and texts to respond to, friends to talk to, etc. - and the list goes on! We all need sleep. Some people can function on less but growing kids need their sleep the most.

Lack of sleep can impact school/work performance and is associated with medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity and depression. As parents, we have to encourage our children to get enough sleep. Setting bedtime routine, limiting electronic devices after a set time, limiting foods or drinks with caffeine, playing soothing music or reading a book are some ways to promote better sleep hygiene. Learn more at

Until next time, get enough sleep and remain healthy.

Marie Confident, RN, BSN
Shorecrest School Nurse

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