Shorecrest School

Clinic byte: It’s time for the flu vaccine

Health & Guidance

Do we value our health? We tend to appreciate it more when we become ill, don’t we? Eating right, keeping hydrated, getting enough sleep/rest, having a balanced life, and keeping stress in check are some of the things we do on a daily basis to keep healthy. Another aspect of maintaining good health is having preventative yearly physical exam and at this time of the year receiving the flu vaccine.

If you have not done so, I encourage you to schedule an appointment for yourself and your child to have the flu vaccine. It takes up to two weeks for protection to develop; so the sooner you receive it, the better protected you will be.

I do send health alerts to parents when the flu and other contagious illnesses are reported to the clinic. I hope that this school year, I won’t have to send too many alerts because the majority will be healthy and the few sick ones will stay home until no longer contagious to prevent the spread of the illness.

Until next time, remain healthy!

Marie Confident, RN, BSN
Shorecrest school nurse

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