Shorecrest School

Clinic byte: Seasonal Allergies

Health & Guidance

If you suffer from allergies, this time of the year may not be pleasant. The pollen count has been high this week. Red, swollen, itchy, watery eyes with dark circles under the eyes, congestion, runny nose and sneezing are all symptoms that allergy sufferers may experience. While indoors, people are usually okay but may start experiencing some symptoms as soon as they set foot outside.

If your child suffers from allergies, be sure you give medication daily to help manage the symptoms. Please consider sending allergy medications (in their original containers and with prescription label if it is a prescribed drug) to the clinic in case your child needs it. You will need to fill out and sign a consent form.

When students come to the clinic with allergy symptoms, I usually have them wash their face and hands, apply an ice pack to itchy eyes, and sometimes rinse their eyes with saline. I do have diphenhydramine in the clinic, but because of its drowsiness side effect, I tend to avoid giving it to students unless I consult with the parent.

Until next time, remain healthy!

Marie Confident, RN, BSN
Shorecrest School Nurse

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