Shorecrest School

The Gavel: Thoughts from the Board Chair


On April 7, the Board convened for one of the last meetings of the year. The agenda was quite full, but the members came ready to roll up their sleeves and get it done.
First, a thank you to Dr. Lisa Bianco and the students who stayed after school to demonstrate the Lower School Reading/Writing Workshop. Lower School parents know what I mean, but for the rest of us, the demonstration convinced us of the forward thinking of the faculty and the love of learning they instill in our kids. Congratulations and thank you!
Among the Board’s work this school year, we were able to accomplish the following:
  • We hired an architectural firm to begin design of the new Lower School, remodeling the existing Lower School building and plans for a Student Center/ Dining building.
  • The Board approved 5 individuals who were nominated for four trustee vacancies. Mike and I will be speaking with those nominees individually.
  • Our Strategic Plan was approved, and I believe it will greatly enhance our web site, allowing current and prospective parents to see the direction of the school.
  • Finance has just about wrapped up our long term debt financing on very favorable terms. 
  • We continue to work on projects that will align the school with area businesses and non-profits.
But, now, let me speak to something close to the heart. Have you ever volunteered? Of course you have! Even if it was just to bring something into the classroom for your child or to support a pot-luck lunch at work. We’ve all been there.
It is quite amazing to me, however, the depth of volunteerism that exists in our community. It is what makes Shorecrest unique and I hope –for all of you – rewarding!
Everyday, I hear of some new form of volunteering that is occurring “under the radar” done only to make sure the experience of our children is maximized.
To all of you who volunteer, the Board recognizes the immense importance of your efforts to make Shorecrest a great community.

Some of you may sit on committees, make costumes, cart students from place to place, tutor children who need a little extra attention (or help a teacher that needs some assistance!), organize trips and where athletes stay and eat when on the road, stuff envelopes or any myriad of tasks it takes. Whatever you do, please accept this personal thank you! You are Shorecrest!

There's still time to RSVP for the Volunteer Breakfast on Wednesday, April 29th. We need an accurate head count for the delicious, complimentary breakfast that will be provided for anyone who has volunteered this school year. Please email Jennifer Merrigan ASAP at [email protected] to let us know you will be attending. We look forward to honoring all of our wonderful volunteers who have made this another great year at Shorecrest!!

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