Shorecrest School

Building our Community

Lower School News

In the beginning of the year, Mrs. Kotsko's kindergarten class focuses strongly on building classroom community. Activities to get to know one another, especially learning names and interests, are so much fun. Newly introduced in the classroom this week was the "Special Person of the Day." The class will interview each student when it is his or her turn as "Special Person" to find out answers to many interesting questions. 

Together the class reads a special name poem:
Everybody has a name,
Some are different, 
Some the same, 
Some are short, 
Some are long, 
All our right, 
None are wrong!
(The last part of poem is just for the Special Person of the Day to read aloud.)
My name is _____________.
It's special to me.
It's exactly who I want to be!

The children greatly enjoy reading this poem! After recess, the class looks at the Special Child's favorite book. This allows the class some time to enjoy getting to know one another and to learn about ways they are alike that they may not have known before! 

Building a community also entails working together and learning how the classroom works. The routines and procedures of the day take ample time to learn and follow through. This time at the beginning of the year used to establish such routines and procedures really pays off a month or so from now when students delve deeper into the work of readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists, and community members.

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