Shorecrest School

Grandparent Council visits Native Classroom

Grandparent Council Service News

On Tuesday, January 10th, the Shorecrest Grandparent Council arranged with sophomore Walker W., to provide grandparents and Emeritus Trustees a tour of the Native Classroom that he created for his Eagle Scout Project.

Guests learned how Walker, with the help of most of his classmates, removed tons of non-native species and replaced them with native species and created an outdoor classroom. The walk begins on the northeast side of Haskell Field and parallels the canal that flanks the north side of campus and leads to the Tampa Bay. Tour participants were even treated to the greeting of a screech-owl that had taken up residence in one of the bird boxes that Walker installed along the path.

The tour participants were impressed with the significant work that this project required as well as the end result. At least one of them asked whether they might be able to come back on their own and enjoy sitting on one of the installed benches to take in the beauty of the natural area.

If you missed the tour, you can hear Walker describe his project in this video:

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