Shorecrest School

Learning about Measles

Lower School News

One of the great benefits of being a PreK-12 school is learning from the broad spectrum of students we have. When seventh grader William B. asked if he could present a project he was working on about measles to first graders, Mrs. Oman's class gladly accepted the offer. 
William did a fantastic job teaching the young learners about measles and the rise in documented cases in the United States. He spoke on their level, gave thoughtful answers to their many questions, and kept his presentation interactive as well. Students participated in an activity showing how diseases are spread by using different colored dots. They were able to relate his topic to one they have learned a lot about: spreading germs that lead to colds and other viruses, making us feel blue. 
Cheers to unexpected ways to learn throughout the year because of Shorecrest's varied learning environments!

Seventh graders will present their projects on diseases and cures on April 26 from 2-3pm in the Crisp Gym.

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