Shorecrest School

International Day of Peace 2020

Lower School News

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on September 21. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace. The theme for 2020 is Shaping Peace Together.

Lower School Chargers have been discussing peace in music class in the weeks leading up to Peace Day: what peace means to us individually, what peace means to us as a collective, how they see peace at Shorecrest/at home/in the world, etc. Students recognized that peace can mean something different for everyone.

Shorecrest is a community rooted in kindness, compassion and respect, and Chargers can bring peace to the world. Lower School students worked with music teacher Miss Marilyn to make a video showing how they celebrate peace.

In the video, third graders explained where they feel peaceful on the Shorecrest campus - in Mrs. Rebman’s class, with Dr. Bianco, in music class, and in other favorite places. Kindergarteners, first graders and fourth graders used art to show peace. Second graders showed how they feel peace with all five senses, and other Chargers say “Peace” in many different languages.

As part of their celebration of peace, Mrs. Oman's first grade class created their own flags of peace and listened to K'naan's song "Wavin' Flag" as their anthem [video]. The lyrics, "When I get older I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a wavin' flag!" were heard time and time again in their classroom. Students marched, waving their flags of peace as Mrs. Rebman's third graders cheered them on (pictured, top). These first graders are hopeful that everyone will wave their own flags of peace! 

Sixth graders made pinwheels for peace during Community Time this week for International Day of Peace.

Remember, peace begins with YOU!

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