Shorecrest School

Sustainability Project Share in Fourth Grade [Photos]

Lower School News

Fourth graders in Mrs. Weinkle’s class wrapped up their second Project of the year focused on Sustainability. As a class, they learned about and explored problems related to the environment such as deforestation, soil contamination, single-use plastic, overflowing landfills, and water/air pollution. To culminate this Inquiry work, students were tasked with selecting an area for which they felt they had a solution. They incorporated aspects of Design Thinking to guide their process, which include defining their focus and taking time to ideate. 

Students created a prototype of their sustainability solution, as well as an accompanying poster or slideshow to showcase their research and ideas.

There are typically many opportunities for students to share their learning during the school year, but during this time of social distancing families have not had time in classrooms. To provide a fun and safe in-person Project Share opportunity, sustainability projects were shared outdoors in the Lower School carline area and adults observed while in their cars from a safe distance.

Find more photos here.

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