Shorecrest School


Lower School News

Third graders have been learning the lyrics and dance moves to a song that names some relevant Hispanic people, such as Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Isabel Allende, Ellen Ochoa, Shakira, and more!

Fourth graders were treated to a rehearsal of the song, and were interested in learning more about the people mentioned. 

For the last three weeks, the fourth graders have been conducting research about important Hispanic icons. They also created artistic visuals as presentations to support their research. Some resulting posters have drawings, photos and the biographical facts. Some students did sculptures, like a DNA chain made from clay to support a project on Severo Ochoa, or a huge pen to honor the writers Isabel Allende or Pablo Neruda. Fourth graders not only learned about important people, but also brushed up on skills like teamwork, cultural appreciation, and oral presentation skills. Their works are displayed in the Lower School hallway. 

When the third graders saw the project presentations, they were awesome listeners and are excited to do the project next year!

View more photos here.

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