Shorecrest School

Arts on Campus

US Visual Arts

Our October 8th SPA meeting focused on the arts opportunities available to all levels of Shorecrest.

In opening announcements, the need for Holiday Gift Drive class coordinators for Lower and Middle schools was mentioned. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Emily Elwyn or Suzy Olson.
Upper School theatre teacher Bill Leavengood '78 spoke regarding the musical theatre program in Upper School and how far it has come since he attended Shorecrest. The shows are outstanding, along with the talent! In addition to theatre classes and play/screen writing classes, there are a number of music classes and bands for high school students to take part in. The teachers involved in these courses are all accomplished professionals themselves. In addition, our Thespians troupe has won Superior and Excellent awards at the District and State levels.
Esther Happle spoke on behalf of art teacher Charla Gaglio about the Upper School fine arts program. Courses include 2-D art, 3-D art, 3-D digital art, digital film, photography, computer graphics, art history and more!
Asssitant Head of Middle School Jonathan Davis spoke regarding the arts in the Middle School. "Exposure, opportunity and integration" is the philosophy, with every student trying everything available as part of the curriculum. Technology and art often work hand-in-hand in Middle School, with a lot of cross-curricular projects and iPad integration. Middle School students have the opportunity to take part after school in Forensics (debate), Jr. Thespians and the Middle School musical, which this year will be “Shrek Jr.” We’ll be the first school in the southeast to perform the show, which allows for a large cast and should not interfere too much with winter or spring sports.
Lower School Head Dr. Lisa Bianco spoke regarding the new Lower School philosophy of choice-based art, featured here. Separate stations in the updated art room give children a choice of ceramics, printmaking, painting, etc.  They are loving it, and the shift is due to Sue Rowe attending a continuing education seminar over the summer. S.P.A. does a great job of helping to raise funds for continued teacher enrichment, and here’s one example of a new method learned thanks to a teacher gaining access to innovative educational opportunities and resources.

Photo: The US kiln was fired for the first time this year, filled with projects made by all 3-D Design classes.

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