Shorecrest School

Visiting Scientist Carlee Jackson Bohannon

Lower School News

Shorecrest Lower School students were mesmerized by visiting guest expert Mrs. Carlee Jackson Bohannon, a marine biologist and author who is an environmental educator, science communicator, and protector of sea turtle nests along Florida’s beaches. Bohannon shared her love of sharks, an interest she originally developed during her own elementary years. Her extensive experience with ocean life led her to write two children’s books, "Sharks (A Day in the Life)" and "Green Sea Turtle (Young Zoologist)."

In her presentation to the Lower School, Bohannon spoke of her research in Belize which focused on the effects of humans and tourism on local sand sharks. First through fourth grade students enjoyed the stories and videos she shared while reflecting on their own experiences and their first grade ocean inquiry unit. Current first grade students are writing their own nonfiction books about the ocean, leading to a meaningful connection between themselves and the guest expert. 

After the presentation first grade scientists met in small groups to learn how to properly tag sharks for research purposes. They collected measurements, placed a tag on the dorsal fin, and collected samples from various stuffed sharks. Ms. Carlee read a few pages from her book, “Sharks (A Day in the Life),” and shared her writing process as an author. Students were excited about the opportunity to have their own copy of her book personally autographed. It was truly FINtastic for students to share a meaningful morning with our guest expert as they are on their own journey to research, write, and share about the ocean.

“I enjoy marine science because there are so many mind blowing things related to marine environments and marine life,” Bohannon shared. ”I am also a co-founder of Minorities in Shark Science (MISS), an organization focused on amplifying underrepresented voices and increasing the diversity in shark science."


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