Shorecrest School

Exploring Apples and 5 Senses in First Grade

Lower School News

Mrs. Sheppard's first grade class acknowledged Johnny Appleseed's birthday (September 26) and legacy as her young students embarked on a multi-sensory and educational journey. Engaging their five senses, the class delved into the world of apples, offering them a hands-on experience that not only deepened their understanding of apples but also opened the door to a broader exploration of the human body.

Sight: To kickstart their adventure, the students explored the visual aspects of apples. Using microscopes they marveled at the intricate details of apple skin and flesh - as well as the tiny, star-shaped pattern found in the core of each apple. They drew and wrote about their observations. This visual exploration laid the foundation for their journey through the world of apples.

Taste and Smell: What is a study of apples without tasting and smelling them? The students eagerly indulged their taste buds in an apple tasting and applesauce making session. They sampled a variety of apples and found words to describe them. The students learned that our sense of smell plays a significant role in how we perceive and enjoy food. They sorted the students' favorite types of apples in a graph.

Touch and Sound: Students explored the smooth skin and the bumpy surface of some apples. This tactile experience helped them understand how our sense of touch provides valuable information about the objects we encounter in our daily lives. Though apples are not typically associated with sound, Mrs. Sheppard's class discovered an interesting auditory aspect during their exploration. They experimented with tapping apples gently and listening to the distinct sounds they produced. This playful activity allowed them to associate sound with their sense of touch and deepen their appreciation for the multi-sensory world around them.

As the students immersed themselves in this sensory adventure, they were unknowingly laying the groundwork for a more profound exploration. Mrs. Sheppard cleverly used their apple-focused activities as a gateway to introduce a human body study. By activating their five senses, the class discovered the "boss of our body"—the brain. A hands-on, experiential inquiry with apples broadened their knowledge while sparking their curiosity for future discoveries. As their human body study continues, these young minds are well on their way to understanding the remarkable complexities of the world within them.

Flickr album: Exploring Apples and 5 Senses in First Grade | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin



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