Shorecrest School

First Graders Journey Inside the Heart

Lower School News Featured

First graders have continued their adventure into the wonders of the human body. They had a captivating lesson on the heart from Mrs. Peck's in the Peck Center for Medical Sciences at Shorecrest, and embarked on another unforgettable educational journey that combined the tangible with the digital.

In their quest to demystify the heart's intricate workings, first graders were introduced to a whole new dimension of learning. Using virtual reality technology, they took a mesmerizing voyage inside a digital human heart, exploring arteries, ventricles, and heartstrings in a way that's both educational and immersive. They saw red blood cells flowing and the heart pumping. Imagine the awe and wonder that filled the room as students delved into the very core of what keeps us alive.

The young scientists were also amazed to learn that their heart is approximately the size of their two hands clasped together. They learned that blood is always red, even though veins under the skin may sometimes appear to be blue. They learned how to properly and responsibly use a stethoscope. 

Finally Mrs. Peck cut a sheep's heart in half so the students could see actual arteries, ventricles, and heartstrings up close. 

Flickr album: First Grade Journeys inside the Heart | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Read about the beginning of this unit of study.

#LowerSchool #firstgrade


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