Shorecrest School

Exploring the Five Senses with Pumpkins

Lower School News

During the first grade Human Body unit, Mrs. Carson's class embarked on an exciting journey to explore the intricate workings of the human nervous system through the lens of the five senses. The statement, "The brain is the boss of the body!" became a captivating gateway into understanding how our senses, like little messengers, relay vital information to the brain, guiding our everyday experiences and interactions with the world.

As part of this engaging learning adventure, Mrs. Carson introduced the class to a range of sensory experiences using pumpkins. Pumpkins, with their vivid orange hue and distinctive earthy aroma, offered a fascinating opportunity for the young learners to delve into the world of touch, sight, smell, taste, and hearing.

The first graders were encouraged to exercise their sense of sight - and their creativity - and draw a jack-o'-lantern idea on paper. The classroom was filled with colorful sketches of cheerful, spooky, and even whimsical designs. After a classroom vote it was decided that they would transform a pumpkin into a cute kitty cat carving. Translating artistic vision into a tangible pumpkin masterpiece further engaged their senses.

The class had the opportunity to taste pumpkin seeds with various flavors. They graphed their preference of salt, cinnamon and sugar, or plain roasted seeds. 

Exploring the pumpkin's texture was a tactile adventure. The students touched the smooth, cool surface of the pumpkin's skin, noticing the contrast between it and the gooey, stringy interior. By knocking on the bumpy surface, they discovered that their senses of touch and hearing combined to help them guess the pumpkin was hard, strong and hollow.

Through this hands-on exploration with pumpkins, Mrs. Carson's class not only deepened their understanding of the five senses but also gained a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of the human nervous system. By connecting their experiences with the pumpkin to the brain's role as the ultimate conductor of the body, the students discovered the profound ways in which their senses shape their perceptions of the world.

Flickr album: 1st Grade Pumpkin Study | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

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