Shorecrest School

Paper Theatre in ES

Experiential School News Arts

In the early 1800s people were hungry for entertainment. Unfortunately they had no access to cable or the internet... no YouTube, no Instagram reels, and no new Apple TV series to follow weekly. 

Toymakers developed a novel way to bring entertainment into the home: paper theaters. Cardboard was the material used for the stage that often included a proscenium arch, curtains, and sometimes even a paper audience. The characters were also made of cardboard.

Following the lead of the young storytellers in Mrs. Markunas and Mrs. Parrish's Junior Kindergarten classroom, Mrs. Hollenbeck set out a prototype of a toy theatre -- a novelty for the majority of the children.

Experiential School faculty will continue observing how the students interact with the theatre and what kind of ideas they have!



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