Shorecrest School

Fourth Grade Visits Echo Global Farms

Lower School News

On Tuesday, December 5, fourth graders embarked on a field experience to Echo Global Farms, guided by the inspiring motto "Hope against Hunger." This field experience was designed to complement the students' exploration of engineering and sustainability, their first two units of inquiry this trimester.

At Echo Global Farms students witnessed the powerful synergy of engineering and sustainability in action. This unique farm has successfully tackled some of the most challenging farming environments by ingeniously engineering solutions to grow food. Students gained valuable insights into how innovative farming practices can address global challenges.

Echo Global Farms is more than just a local initiative – it serves as a beacon of hope worldwide. Once proven successful and replicable, the farming solutions developed by the interns at Echo Global Farms are shared across the globe. ECHO introduces sustainable plants, techniques, and technologies to farmers facing adversity, equipping them with the tools needed to feed their families.

This educational excursion aligns with our commitment to fostering global awareness and empowering our students to think critically about real-world issues. By connecting classroom learning to practical applications at Echo Global Farms, our 4th graders are not only expanding their knowledge but also becoming compassionate global citizens ready to make a positive impact on the world. 


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