Shorecrest School

Alpha Explores Photography and Portraiture

Experiential School News Arts

Mrs. Thompson's Alpha class is exploring photography and portraiture. To introduce this creative study, the class shared the book “Flotsam” by David Wiesner - a wordless narrative with beautiful watercolor illustrations about a boy who is at the beach when an old camera unexpectedly washes ashore. Guided by Mrs. Thompson's insightful inquiry, the students pondered the question, "Why do we take pictures?" Some responses were, "Because they are fun," "People like to take pictures of themselves," "To look at," and "They are for looking at in a magnifying glass." 

The students were given some empty frames to hold while walking around campus. This way they could visualize parts of what they were seeing as individual rectangles, like photographs. They could take a mental picture and then draw what they had seen when back in the classroom.

The class also learned about x-rays and how they are photographs taken of bones inside our bodies using special cameras. Media Specialist Mrs. V was kind enough to let the class borrow x-rays that her doctor had taken of her knee and an MRI of her lungs.

Fueling their curiosity further, a small collection of vintage cameras awaited the students; and photo negatives were shared on a light table to examine with a magnifying glass and to offer a glimpse into the past.

“They really enjoyed them and were enthralled for a long time,” Mrs. Thompson shared. “I'll admit that a few pieces of the cameras were ripped off in the process of the children trying to figure out what the buttons and levers do. I also showed them an old film roll and explained how it worked and how we had to take the roll to a photo developer to get pictures printed out.”

The next step was a big one! A photo studio was set up in the classroom. Three professional umbrella lights, a black backdrop, and a digital camera were donated to the class by a parent. Dress-up accessories were placed nearby so one student could dress up and another could take their photo. The students became both artists and subjects, engaging in collaborative photo sessions. The photographers encouraged their classmates to "smile," "make a funny face," or "do something silly." They also helped each other put on the dress up clothes. A few weeks later members of the Class of 2024 visited for an eclectic photoshoot directed by the littles. 

Not content with mere snapshots, the students also explored the art of the self-portrait. Students were able to use iPhones to take selfies, which were printed. They used the photos or a mirror to draw and paint a self-portrait. 

At the end of the investigation, parents were invited to a Gallery Walk at school featuring photos the Chargers had taken, mounted and hanging around the ES exploratorium.

In Mrs. Thompson's Alpha class, photography transcends mere documentation; it is a gateway to imagination, exploration, and self-expression, empowering students to capture not just images, but moments of inspiration and wonder.

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