Shorecrest School

Exploring Plants and Pollinators in Second Grade

Lower School News

The second grade “Plants and Pollinators” inquiry is a dynamic exploration combining classroom learning with hands-on experiences. Students embark on a series of enriching activities year-round that expand their knowledge and appreciation for the natural world.

To kick off the unit students planted pollinator-attracting plants in the LS Outdoor Classroom garden, guided by farmer Ray Wunderlich III, a former Shorecrest student and seasoned expert in sustainable gardening practices. This not only connected them with nature but also instilled a sense of responsibility towards environmental stewardship.

Second graders had field experiences near and far. With Middle School Chargers they explored Shorecrest's Native Classroom to see the plants growing there. After they learned about honeybees, their habitats, roles within a colony and the intricate anatomy that enables them to play a crucial role in pollination, they made a visit to the Shorecrest beehive led by Josh Harris from Queen and Colony. Excursions to Fat Beet Farm and Eckerd's Sustainable Farm gave them more ideas for urban farming of plants they may also be able to eat!

Upper School Science Teacher Mrs. Peck guided students through the process of photosynthesis, and taught students about bee vision. (Read more) Next up they will observe and monitor the stages of the monarch butterfly's life cycle. 

Their enthusiasm and growing connection to nature are apparent from those who voluntarily tend the garden during recess and seek solace in the LS Outdoor Classroom for quiet reading moments. 

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