Shorecrest School

Sixth Graders Build Hoverboards

Middle School News Featured

The Hovercraft Project is a fully immersive STEAM experience wherein students build, test and ride hovercrafts.

The Hovercraft Project journeyed to Shorecrest on March 8 to work with sixth graders on a team building and communication-enhancing activity. The students were split into groups of 5-7, chose a team leader, and accomplished a series of tasks that ultimately led to the successful creation of hovercrafts that raced across the gym floor utilizing the power of an electric leaf blower. 

Students reviewed scientific principles such as Newton's Laws of Motion, friction, force, etc. The Chargers also used geometry, problem-solving skills and teamwork to learn, build, analyze, fail, and apply classroom knowledge to a problem with limited tools.  

The idea of personal value was woven into the entire experience. If each student understands that they are valuable, they have more confidence to contribute to their team. And if they work as a team, they have the potential to build something awesome!

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