Shorecrest School

White House Student Film Festival Winners

Upper School News

Five Upper School students recently won Honorable Mentions in the 2015 White House Student Film Festival. Congratulations go out to senior Jared W, junior Laura H, and freshmen Adrianna L, Shannon O and Meghan P.

"We were in awe watching your videos, and we hope that you had as much fun working on your projects as we did watching them!" said their letters from Adam Garber, Director of Video at White House Digital & Film Festival Executive Director.

More than 1,500 videos were entered this year, demonstrating talent, hard work and enthusiasm for service, volunteering and giving back. The winning Shorecrest videos will be featured on, in a playlist, and may be highlighted through White House social media channels.

The Film Festival may be viewed live on Friday March 20th, at 2pm at The video by Jared and Laura may be seen here, and the video by Adrianna, Shannon and Meghan is here.
We appreciate the hard work of these students in their cinematic and service related pursuits!

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