Shorecrest School

Juliette S Pursues Engineering Goals

Upper School News

Freshman Juliette S has been selected as a participant in the GAMES Environmental Engineering & Sustainability program, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The camp will take place from Sunday, June 21, 2015 through Saturday, June 27, 2015.

In her entrance essay, Juliette stated:

In addition to Math and Science being my two favorite subjects, I have just seen firsthand how even the smallest amount of engineering can dramatically improve and save the lives of others. I want to learn about engineering so I can help build water filtration systems that will prevent deadly illnesses in Haiti and help design electrical systems that will allow children in Haiti to read in their dark classrooms where there is little to no natural light.

As the first Youth Ambassador for St. Paul’s Partners with Haiti, Juliette coordinated a group of teens to participate in a mission trip that just visited Haiti over Spring Break. They interacted with the people of Haiti in their homes, churches, schools, medical clinics and communities. She witnessed there how engineering could make lives better. Partners with Haiti builds and provides supplies for hand operated water filtration pumps that produce enough water for five people daily. In homes Juliette visited where pumps have been installed, 80% of the diseases caused by water borne bacteria have been eliminated!

Juliette followed up the trip with a promise:

I expressed my desire and commitment to help the people of Haiti, and have since been asked to develop a Youth Partners with Haiti Program and participate in developing a master plan to provide a new electrical generator for St. Isadore’s school, church and rectory. The generator will power lights, fans and a server that will greatly enhance educational opportunities and connect Haitian students to the outside world… things we take for granted in the US. 

Juliette recognized an opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of others and by attending GAMES camp this summer, she'll learn how to design and deliver engineering solutions.

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