Organic Chemistry Named Reactions
Source/Author: Daniel Burkett, US Science Teacher
May 17, 2022
In Honors Organic Chemistry, Shorecrest Upper School students were tasked with presenting a named reaction as a culminating experience in the class. In organic chemistry named reactions are those that are common enough to be identified with a short name to avoid the lengthy descriptions otherwise required to describe the reaction.
Pictured: Jeremy Barton '23 and Matthew Sheppard '23 learn about the Strecker Synthesis, an important reaction in the pharmaceutical industry used to generate amino acids, by modeling the mechanism with fruit snacks and marshmallows.
Pictured: Jeremy Barton '23 and Matthew Sheppard '23 learn about the Strecker Synthesis, an important reaction in the pharmaceutical industry used to generate amino acids, by modeling the mechanism with fruit snacks and marshmallows.