Shorecrest School

First Grade and Upper School Practice Yoga Together

Upper School News

Shorecrest first graders have been learning about major body systems. Members of Upper School's Yoga Club and Mental Health Matters Club invited the young Chargers to witness these systems in action.

In a cool breeze and warm sun, 45 young yogis and a handful of teen yogis gathered on the Gaffney Green. The Chargers used their respiratory systems to inhale the oxygen their bodies need and exhaled the waste. With the help of their muscles, their skeletal system had them bending and folding. All of these movements were controlled by the nervous system, where the boss of the body - the brain - sent and received messages. As their heart rates increased and decreased they knew their circulatory systems were fully active. They ended their session with calm bodies to promote healthy digestion. Students have learned how healthy food choices move through their digestive system.  

For the Upper School students, this cross-divisional yoga practice was a culminating activity for Mental Health Awareness Month. The class was led by Ann Marie Hardy, Upper School Dean of Student Life, assisted by Fin Matheson '23, co-founder and president of the Yoga Club.

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