Shorecrest School

Contributing Chargers: Yim Family

Contributing Chargers Advancement

Shorecrest’s Mission is augmented by the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni and friends who support the School through their time, talent and philanthropic support. We call these community members Contributing Chargers. This week we are pleased to spotlight Douglas and Christina Yim, Experiential and Lower School parents of Olivia '32 and Laz '36. Since joining the community in 2021, Christina has devoted her time to the School because she enjoys watching her children interact with their friends and seeing their classroom experiences in real-time.

Upon being nominated as a Contributing Charger, Christina shared what volunteering at Shorecrest means to her: 
Why is the Shorecrest community important to you? 
My daughter's class welcomed Olivia and my family quickly. She made fast friends with everyone in her class and I was able to make friends with the parents as well. We have moved quite a few times and finding friends as adults can be tough when people have known each other for a long time. The parents in my daughter's classroom wanted to make sure we felt included and answered questions I had about the school as we settled in. 
My son started Alpha our first year here, so many of those parents were also new to Shorecrest. 
Why is being a volunteer important to you?
Volunteering has helped me continue to learn more about the Shorecrest community and meet new people in the community. 
I want my children and their friends to know I am here to help them if they are in need, and support them as much as I can.
I volunteered for the [SCA Holiday] Gift Drive and was able to meet other parents with children at Shorecrest but not necessarily in my kids' grades. I could get insight about what to expect in the older grades and hear about their experiences at the school.
I am lucky that I can make the time to be there as I know my mom would have loved the opportunity to be there doing the same while I was growing up. I was a nurse before I chose to stay at home during [my children’s] early years and volunteering allows me to experience a similar feeling of helping and making a difference.
How do you feel volunteering at the School affects your children and campus as a whole?
When I volunteer it shows the kids that teamwork and helping and volunteering can be rewarding without having to receive something in return. I know that the volunteering opportunities will decrease, or just be different, as the kids transition to the higher grades. My kids will probably be less excited to see me on campus when they’re older, too. I want to soak up all that time that I can. 
The impact of Contributing Chargers like Christina, along with other members of our community, can be felt every day. 

If you would like to nominate a special member of our community or share your Contributing Charger story, please email Olivia Segalman, Associate Director of Advancement for Community Engagement & Events at [email protected].


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