Shorecrest School

Vote for Chargers' Environmental Videos


Since 2014, Youth Making Ripples film competition has been at the intersection of science and film, providing students an outlet to creatively express the threats to our oceans and ways to help protect them. Videos submitted with messages about ocean conservation are judged in three categories. This year, the Viewers’ Choice category has 5 Shorecrest students from the Upper School environmental studies class among the 9 finalists. 

The public can vote on their favorite films until Thursday, March 5. Shorecrest student films include: 
“Trash and the Ocean” by Kira Held '20
“Demise of Stone Crab” by Michael Longino '20
“Mangroves” by Erin Mullins '20
“Not enough Fish in the Sea” by Julia Marquis '21
“Making Waves” by Athena Smith '22

Please visit: and cast your vote for your favorite Charger films! Voting is open through March 5, 2020. Viewers can cast one vote per email address. 

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