Shorecrest School

Celebrate the Arts: Light Painting


Traditionally during Celebrate the Arts Week, two mornings are dedicated to opening up the campus to artists from the surrounding community to work hands-on with Experiential School, Lower School and Middle School Chargers. This April, Middle School students had guest artists visiting via Zoom - rather than in their classrooms - due to the COVID19 quarantine. Lower School had Celebrate the Arts in May.

Visual artist and Shorecrest parent Gina White met with eighth graders last week to teach a photography technique called Light Painting, or Painting with Light. She touched on the photography exposure triangle - how aperture, shutter speed and ISO use light to affect the focus of an image. She explained that a long shutter opening allows cameras to capture a path of light, also known as a light trail.

If one takes a photo in a dark scene with little light, they can add their own light with a flashlight and use it to “paint” strips of bright light on the dark background. Students used the Slow Shutter Cam app on iPad devices and a flashlight to practice light painting on their own. Mrs. White walked them through the best settings to use. “Try keeping your iPad stationary and moving just the light, or moving the iPad with the light being still,” she suggested, allowing the Chargers room to play and be creative in their photography.

The app also gave students resources to create light tools from objects around their homes. 

Many thanks to Mrs. White for sharing this innovative photography technique with the eighth graders. And a great big thank you to Robert at Cogitap Software for so generously giving ALL of our eighth graders their app, Slow Shutter Cam, for free!

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