Shorecrest School

Middle School Leadership Council Fights Hunger

Service News

Six fifth grade members of the Middle School Leadership Council shopped on Thursday to make the most of the $500 Grant we received from ConAgra Foods through generationOn for the "Make Your Mark on Hunger" campaign. They shopped for the 12 different items that go into a weekend food bag for The Kind Mouse program which distributes the bags at local elementary schools to students who live in food insecure homes.

The students purchased enough items to make 60 bags in the next week. They did a little math at the store to figure out how to make the best buys and stretch the dollars. They had help from Leadership Council advisor Mr. Cruise and Gina Wilkins, founder of The Kind Mouse. These students plan to share about the campaign with students in the Lower School and invite them to make their mark on hunger, as well, by collecting and donating items for the food bags.

Next week, the sixth grade members will continue with shopping, sorting, and packing, as well as recruiting others in the school community to get involved.

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