Shorecrest School

The Gavel: Thoughts from the Board Chair


First of all, a quick “shout out” to Jonathan Davis, Anna Baralt and Christine Scoby for their presentation on the teenage brain at the previous SPA meeting. If you were not able to attend, check out their very informative and fascinating presentation:
Although I have worked with children and adolescents for over 20 years, their presentation was exceptionally well-presented and contained practical advice for parents of any age student.
Speaking of the brain, in the February issue of Wired Magazine, Clive Thompson called attention to a fascinating (and possibly a little scary) Chrome browser extension called Trailblazer. This program, a continuation of the 1945 essay “As We May Think” by Vannevar Bush, allows users to share the pathways they create in using the Internet. Using this tool, a student producing a thesis on a new project could demonstrate to the faculty the thought process behind his or her idea, thereby validating the originality of the work. Not only that, Trailblazer would give teachers a glimpse into the way the student is approaching the project or problem, allowing individualized instruction and guidance. Trailblazer in a product of the New Zealand start-up Twingl. The article, “Connect the Dots” is worth the brief read:
All that is to say I am continually impressed with the quality and depth of knowledge our faculty demonstrate on a daily basis. From their hard work in putting together a cohesive strategic plan, to their insight in understanding what makes our kids tick, we are lucky to have such a dedicated faculty!

As we move into April, there will be several important issues to come before the Board. We will be selecting new Trustees to replace those retiring from the Board, deciding on an architectural firm to design the new Lower School and approving the recalibrated Strategic Plan (to 2017).
I look forward to reporting to you in a few weeks on our progress!
Tom Andrews, MD

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