Shorecrest School

First grade learns the parts of the eye

Lower School News

Upper School anatomy teacher Lisa Peck visited first grade as a guest expert to teach about the parts of an eye and how it works. Students learned:
  • The iris controls the amount of light going into the eye and the color of the iris is the color of the eye. 
  • Students did an experiment watching each other’s eyes to see if the pupil gets smaller when light is exposed. They then associated that movement to the pupil.
  • The fluid inside the eye gives the eye shape.
  • The retina in the back of the eye determines color and light or dark.
Mrs. Peck used building blocks to replicate the rods and cones in the back of our eyes. She then dissected a cow’s eye and the first graders saw first hand all they had learned!

[more photos here - warning, sensitive material]

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