Shorecrest School

Poetry in the Park 2016

Lower School News

It’s always a treat to participate in joint Experiential School / Lower School experiences, and our annual Poetry in the Park is a celebrated favorite. What joy the students brought this week with their creative voices!

Poetry in the Park is an early oratory experience of reciting poetry in front of a large group of people, and a long-time Shorecest tradition. The students acquitted themselves very well. Not only did they recite their poems loudly and clearly, they also proved that they are very capable of sitting and listening to others as a very respectful audience.

The day began with a poem about dogs from an Honorary Student Poet, fourth grader Sofia H. All of the fourth graders closed out the special event with Maya Angelou's poignant "Human Family."

Thank you to Shorecrest Parent Leslie Ellen Photography for capturing photos and videos of the special event.

Full video here.

Flickr album: Poetry in the Park 2016 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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