Shorecrest School

First Grade Dives Deep in Ocean Unit

Lower School News

First graders investigated sharks, whales, dolphins, sea turtles and so much more, keeping in mind the entire time the driving question to our inquiry work, "Why are the oceans important to us and what can we we do to keep them healthy?"

The young marine biologists had several guest experts, including Upper School Science Teacher Mrs. Peck. They were involved in several dissections, their favorite being the dogfish shark. Did you know that a shark has six senses? Well, the first graders do! They were lucky to travel to the Florida Aquarium and Tampa Bay Watch for field experiences.

How does one share all of this learning? Through a project share, of course! Families from Mrs. Densa's class were invited into the classroom where the budding scientists took them on a "field experience" in their hand-made "aquarium." The guests were able to travel through and be educated, just like a real museum. On display were things such as painted and stuffed dolphins, turtles and sharks, beautiful murals, as well as project boards including photographs of the students researching and experimenting. What a great time to be a first grader living in Florida!

More photos here:

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