Shorecrest School

Hour of Code 2020

Lower School News

Shorecrest celebrated Computer Science Education Week from December 7-13, 2020, and all of Lower School participated in The Hour of CodeTM

The Hour of Code started as a one-hour introduction to computer science, designed to demystify "computer code," to show that anybody can learn the basics, and to broaden participation in the field of computer science. It has since become a worldwide effort to celebrate computer science reaching over 100 million students in over 180+ countries. Computer science is changing every industry on the planet, and as an industry is the number one source of wages in the U.S and accounts for over 500,000 jobs nationwide. 

Coding is not just for computer programmers anymore! Coding promotes critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and communication skills. Coding is an essential skill embedded into the Shorecrest curriculum. For the Hour of Code, Chargers coded with their classes through a variety of activities including apps such as Kodable, interactive robots such as Ozobot and Bee-Bot, and coding games from

Students had so much fun tinkering and programming! Surveys show that computer science and engineering classes rank near the top of those students “like a lot.” 

Students may continue to practice coding at home through the games or through activities listed on the LS Technology PowerSchool Learning page. There are games for children K and up. Code as a family and have fun!

Find more photos here.

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