Shorecrest School

The Flu and Flu Vaccines

Health & Guidance

Do you want to protect your child from getting the flu this season?  Getting the yearly flu vaccine early is the best prevention against the flu. It takes up to two weeks to get immunity. If you have not done so, please contact your child’s pediatrician to schedule an appointment to have your child vaccinated.

The flu viruses are spread from person to person thru respiratory droplets when sick people talk, cough or sneeze and there is close contact. Transmission may also occur when you touch contaminated objects then touching your face/nose/mouth.

The flu is contagious one day before symptoms appear and up to 7 days after becoming sick. The incubation period is 1-4 days after exposure. Symptoms of the flu are fever, cough, sore throat, chills, headaches, body or muscle aches, fatigue. Vomiting and diarrhea are more common in children.

I am strongly urging parents to please keep your children home if they have flu symptoms, and I am also advising parents to bring their children to their pediatrician for diagnosis and treatment. Antivirals can be prescribed to help lessen the duration of the symptoms. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen will help decrease a fever and keep a sick child comfortable. Lots of rest and fluids are recommended. Per school policy and for the safety of everyone in school, children with fever cannot return to school until they are fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever reducers and they are feeling better. Some children may have a lingering cough that may prevent them from being able to concentrate and/or might be disturbing to the classroom. In that case, it is best that the child stays home another day.

Please encourage your child to cough/sneeze in a tissue then discard immediately or to cough in his/her sleeves not their hands . Hand washing with soap and water is extremely important in preventing the spread of illnesses but in case it is not feasible, alcohol-based hand sanitizer can be used but don’t forget to wash your hands as soon as possible.

Remember that a balanced diet, enough sleep and hydration play a major role in keeping your child healthy.

Please check out the link below for more info about the flu.

Until next time, remain healthy,

Marie Confident, RN, BSN
Shorecrest school nurse

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