Shorecrest School

Contributing Charger: Alex Lavoie


Over the course of the year we will highlight some of our Contributing Chargers, those members who have provided the Shorecrest community with their time, talent and/or financial support through Two Funds. One Mission. 

Today’s Contributing Charger is Alex Lavoie, a Lower School parent of Ryan ’32. He is a volunteer with Parent Ambassador Campus Tours, an Advancement Committee member, Fall Festival Co-Chair, and a supporter of Two Funds. One Mission. Alex and his wife, Kori Locicero, contribute to the Shorecrest community because they feel that the success and outcome of the school invariably come down to the people involved. With the support of our exceptionally talented and generous families, there's nothing Shorecrest can't accomplish! 

“Shorecrest is important to our family because it's a tremendous part of where our lives are literally going to happen for about the next 15 years. For three years we've been members of the Shorecrest community and we couldn't possibly feel more blessed. We've gotten to know so many wonderful people and the friendships we've built are priceless. We're forever grateful to be part of Shorecrest. 

“The thing we enjoy the most is the opportunity to achieve amazing results with amazing people. There's always something fantastic going on at Shorecrest and there's always a worthwhile effort to support. My wife and I are passionate about everything we do and that extends to our time at Shorecrest. While volunteering at the school, whether it be in the classroom or on a project or event, we're able to learn from folks who've laid the groundwork before us. We realize how crucial it is that we pick up the baton of giving back and run with it.

“Our family looks at it as our responsibility, and an honor, to give back; both in terms of time and in terms of the Annual Fund and Transform. For us, being part of the Shorecrest community means that we're able to benefit from the hard work of so many countless parents, staff, alumni, and volunteers who've come before us for generations. What we have today at the school is a direct result of the time and investment made by so very many over the decades. The least we can do is keep the momentum strong for the next group to follow. We must pass it on and pay it forward. We're stewards of this fantastic institution of learning and its future is in our hands.”

Financial support is just one way that our families contribute, but many families also choose to contribute by leading and participating in events, activities, and services that support the educational, social, and fundraising needs of the School. Participation can be as small as coming to a 30 minute event once a year, or as big as planning one of our annual events. When we make a gift or volunteer our time to Shorecrest, we are really just giving to each other. 

This is a pivotal year to sustain the Annual Fund and finish Transform. Every gift – whether small or large – helps Shorecrest to fulfill its mission. Visit to join our growing group of supporters.

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