Shorecrest School

Contributing Chargers: Decker Family

Contributing Chargers Advancement

Shorecrest’s Mission is augmented by the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni and friends who support the school through their time, talent and philanthropic support. We call these community members Contributing Chargers.

This week we are pleased to spotlight Brittany and Jon Decker, Lower School parents of Ally '31 and Bailey '31. Since joining the community in 2020, Brittany has gone above and beyond to support Shorecrest by volunteering her time as a Girl Scout Troop Leader, Girls on the Run Coach, and Shorecrest Community Association (SCA) Co-Secretary. 

The Deckers moved to Florida in 2020 when their oldest child graduated from high school and they wanted to escape cold, northeastern winters. Shorecrest became an important part of their family’s “new start.”

“Our twins, Ally and Bailey, started Shorecrest in second grade and have had nothing but wonderful teachers and experiences since day one!” Brittany shared. “We love this community because everyone is so friendly and welcoming, open to new ideas, and truly focused on making sure families feel like they are school partners.” 

Brittany expressed why volunteering at Shorecrest is so important to her: 

“Giving my time to this community means making a positive difference in the lives of many children. Working in partnership with Shorecrest helps all families and students have a positive, uplifting and rewarding experience. 

Thank you to the Shorecrest administration for the opportunity to start both a Girl Scout troop and Girls on the Run program at Shorecrest! And a HUGE thank you to the students and families, co-leaders and co-coaches who make these programs successful! Go Chargers!“

The impact of Contributing Chargers like the Decker Family, along with other members of our community, can be felt every day. 

If you would like to nominate a special member of our community or share your Contributing Charger story, please email Olivia Segalman, Associate Director of Advancement for Community Engagement & Events.


#ContributingChargers #ShorecrestFund

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