Shorecrest School

Community Spirit Sponsor Spotlight: Colony Grill


Colony Grill sponsored Shorecrest Summer Programs last year, and they were eager to deepen their connection with Shorecrest for the 2022-2023 academic year. The local restaurant has provided monetary support to the Shorecrest Fund as well as generous in-kind donations, such as hosting the fall Grandparent Social. 

(The next time you’re at their St. Pete location, try to spot the framed Shorecrest jersey!)

Colony Grill provides simple enjoyment, exceptional hospitality, and abundant civic leadership to the communities in which their restaurants are located. As someone who is associated with the school by way of the Community Sponsors program, Ken Martin shares what it means to him to give back and partner with Shorecrest.  

What does community mean to you?

Community means many things to us. It’s that feeling when you walk into a busy restaurant on a Friday night and are greeted with a smile by employees who want to do something for you. The whole vibe of the restaurant should feel like a dinner party at someone’s home, perhaps that of a family member. There’s a warmth and a comfort to it.

Community is conducting our business with a responsibility to do well, motivated by goodness. 

Community is also serving the people who work for us and who live near us - we pride ourselves in supporting the many endeavors that are important to them. This ranges from local youth sports, the arts, and education, as well as celebrating the service of those in uniform at home and abroad. 

Why is it important for Colony Grill to give back?

The owners of Colony Grill all grew up together and benefited from the support and guidance of tremendous parents, dedicated teachers and exceptional coaches; all of whom imparted unto us a responsibility of giving back to the world around us. We’ve been fortunate enough to be successful in business, which has of course supported our families as our livelihood, but it’s also given us the opportunity to improve other people's lives – or at least impact them in some positive way. Our employees, those who live and work around us, people who serve -- we want to support those people in the same way we were fortunate enough to be supported in our lives.

What do you enjoy about your partnership with Shorecrest?

It’s very apparent that Shorecrest is ... forming a community mindset. It mirrors what we’ve tried to do as a business and where we come from as owners. Although our platforms are different, it seems Colony Grill and Shorecrest are both trying to put goodness into the world in varying ways.

What is your favorite flavor of pizza? 

Can’t go wrong with our hot oil. You can put anything else on it. Pepperoni, sausage, veggies… but make sure the hot oil is on there!

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