Shorecrest School

Spotlight on Paul Gallant ‘07


For Paul Gallant ‘07, deciding what his future career would consist of was never difficult. Sports was everything to him growing up. Admittedly for Paul, his main goal was to play sports professionally and it was tough to realize that being a professional athlete wasn’t in the cards for him, so he quickly pivoted to other areas of sports that he loved. After graduating from Shorecrest, Paul entered Syracuse University and their highly regarded sports broadcasting program. For Paul “covering sports and talking about them seemed like a pretty fun” alternative to playing sports.

After college graduation, SportsRadio 610 in Houston, TX, hired him as a part-time employee, filling in on the weekends, anchoring sports flashes, reporting from the locker room, writing articles, running the board, whatever was needed. Paul says, “I was their guy. And eventually, through hard work, patience, and a lot of luck, I got to host morning drive in one of the biggest cities in the US. I've still got a lot of things that I want to accomplish going forward, but after working hard to land a dream job, I finally have it.”

Now Paul is not only the host of Mad Radio on SportsRadio 610, he also hosts the Houston Texans postgame show on their flagship station. Adding TV to his radio responsibilities, Paul hosts a new TV show called “Just Sayin” which airs once a week on Kube 57 in the Houston area.

The best part of his job is that is never feels like a job to him. “It is an unbelievable privilege to talk about sports for a living, especially talking football in a football crazed market for the flagship station of the Houston Texans. Every day, I still think it's crazy that I actually get paid money to do something like this. On top of that? I love that people WANT to hear what I have to say...even if they completely disagree with me” said Paul.

Paul credits being a Charger with his success at Syracuse and in Houston. While at Shorecrest “I learned the value of hard work, never giving up, and patience while playing football. And more than anything, the Shorecrest community helped me - a kid moving from Massachusetts to Florida to start high school - make lifelong friends and help me adapt to new environments,” he said.

We asked Paul to provide some words of advice to future graduating classes and he shared:

“Nothing is going to be given to you in life, and you'll find that once you graduate both high school and college, you're pressing a giant reset button. Make sure to make the most out of both. Your college years and early adulthood are your first opportunities to show the world what you're all about: That you're intelligent (you're a Charger after all), that you'll work hard, and that you're someone to be trusted.

On top of that, you've got to find what you're passionate about. I know that's a daunting task, especially when so many people strike out in pursuit of their dreams. And even when you do find what you love, it never comes easy (even though it makes the blood, sweat, and tears along the way more tolerable). But today, you have so many non-traditional paths to do what you love as a career. And when you truly love something - the way I love covering and talking sports - it makes that everyday grind along the way all the more worth it.”

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