Shorecrest School

Six Questions with Mark Stroud '08


Share a little about your education post-Shorecrest and your career path.

After Shorecrest, I went on to attend Florida State University where I graduated summa cum laude in 2012, with a double major in finance and economics. My first job was as a management trainee at C1 Bank in St. Petersburg, where I learned the basics of commercial and real estate banking. I spent 5 years in commercial and real estate banking, financing projects up and down the west coast of Florida before the opportunity to work on the equity side came in the fall of 2017. For the last 2+ years I have worked for Lindell Investments Inc., a family office focused on equity deployment into commercial real estate projects.

Describe your current business and how you help your clients.

I work as the Chief Operating Officer for Lindell Investments Inc., which is a family office based in Tampa. Our primary business is to develop relationships with reputable, experienced real estate developers and entrepreneurs and to partner with them to provide equity into their projects. As part of this, we are responsible for raising equity, managing our investments, and regularly reporting results to investors. Because of this, we really have two classes of clients – our developer partners, who rely on us for decision making and execution, and our investors, who rely on us for our ability to source good investments, underwrite them properly, and structure deals that create above-market returns.

What is one of your favorite things about your job? 

My favorite part of the job is twofold: I love interacting with people, which I get to do when raising equity from investors and sourcing new deals from our development partners. I am also a “deal junkie” so I love finding a good project and using my analytical skills to underwrite and structure a deal that works for all parties.

The most rewarding part of my job is definitely the payoff – when a project is complete and we can physically see the fruits of our labor, and the value that we created for us, our investors, and our tenants.

In what ways has your Shorecrest experience had an impact on your career and who you are today?

Shorecrest’s biggest impact on me is definitely the work ethic that was instilled from an early age. I remember spending hours in my room doing homework and group projects, studying for Mr. Field’s math tests, etc. I think more than anything, that prepared me for the real time and effort required to be successful in the business world.

The other thing that Shorecrest’s small environment enabled was easy access to leadership positions – without that experience in high school, there is no way I would feel as comfortable as I do today running an investment shop.

What were you involved in while you attended Shorecrest (clubs, arts, sports, etc.)

I was a member of the baseball team for 2 years and was the captain of the varsity golf team that made it to the state tournament at Shorecrest, which I took great pride in. I was also Secretary of the Key Club.

What advice would you give to the graduating class of Chargers?

Take every opportunity afforded to you to keep learning, and never assume that you know all the answers. Stay curious and always ask “why.”

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