Shorecrest School

Mural Arts Field Experience


Coinciding with downtown St. Petersburg’s celebration Shine Mural Festival, Shorecrest’s seventh grade Art and Technology classes, along with collaboration from the Shorecrest Media Center, started off the year learning about personal messages, creative symbolism and why people paint outdoor spaces through graffiti style and mural arts.

The timing of the local festival allowed students to experience the real application and culture of graffiti art and meet the artists while they were creating their masterpieces. Seventh graders took a field trip to Bloom Art Center, co-founded by James Oleson and Mitzi Gordon, a space for working artists in a range of art mediums. The artists’ haven stands out due to the multitudes of murals on the interior and exterior of the building. There, students applied the elements of digital photography they have learned in Technology class with Mrs. Scoby, and photographed art in nature with their iPads.

Some lucky Chargers observed local mural artists James Oleson and Zulu Painter finishing an exterior mural for a culminating event this Saturday, September 12.

Students have already begun sketching their own graffiti-style signature tags in Art class with Mrs. Williams. The students will apply what they learned from the local artists and work alongside them to create three new murals in the Middle School Arts and Sciences building.

More photos here:

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