Shorecrest School

Upper School Anatomy Classes Tour Northside Hospital

Upper School News

On November 30, Mrs. Peck’s Anatomy & Physiology classes had the opportunity to tour Northside Hospital. Dr. Alan Katz; a Shorecrest grandparent, spoke first about the field of Radiology and his path to becoming a doctor. Students then divided into groups, and each group cycled through four areas of the hospital: viewing X-rays and CT scans of the chest and abdomen, witnessing an ongoing CT scan of a cyclist who was hit by a car, observing an MRI scan of a patient with reoccurring brain tumors, and observing brain scans showing strokes and aneurysms.

Students also watched a doctor using images to guide him as he threaded a device up through the leg, through the heart, and into the brain to repair an aneurism. He was successful!

Finally classes looked on as a doctor used imaging to guide him as he injected a steroid into the cervical spine to decrease pain. Throughout the semester, both classes have been learning about the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, and nervous systems, and as the students were led through the hospital and shown different scans, they were able to identify different bones, muscles, and nervous tissue.

Anatomy student Lily Schneider commented on the experience, “
It was amazing to see all the high-tech equipment and doctors in action! Recently, I've become more interested in orthopedics, so to see where I could work someday was a really cool and exciting experience.

An enormous thank you goes out to Dr. Alan Katz for facilitating the tour of the hospital. The students appreciated the chance to gain exposure to the hospital setting and to further their anatomical knowledge. 

View more photos from the tour here:

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