Shorecrest School

Host a French Exchange Student and/or Visit France

Upper School News

Host families needed for 2 weeks for the annual French exchange program:
Want to experience another culture? Earn community service hours?
Host a French student from February 13-27, 2018!
Hundreds of students over the past 20 years have participated in the exchange program between Shorecrest and Lycée Bayen, France. Host families are needed to continue this enriching and fun tradition. We need 17 host families (for just 2 weeks) and we only have 6.
All exchange students speak English and have insurance as well as their own spending money. If you are an Upper School student, you will earn 10 community service hours for hosting. 
More info: Contact Mrs. O’Horo or Mr. Ndiaye for more information or print and fill out this form. Merci!

Still a few spots left for the US Service Learning Trip to France!
As part of the 20+ year exchange Shorecrest has had with Bayen High School in Châlons-en-Champagne, France, Upper School students are invited to participate in this year's service learning trip to France from March 8-17, 2018. The trip cost is $1975 and includes round-trip airfare, meals, lodging, activities and day trips. Students stay with the families of the students of the group that will visit us from February 13-17, 2018. Please read this flyer for more detailed information. A deposit of $500 is due now to hold a spot. It is going to be a really fun trip! Contact Mrs. O'Horo ([email protected]) or Mr. Nidaye ([email protected]) with questions.

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