Shorecrest School

Med Students Create eBooks about Body Systems

Upper School News

The human body is made of important organ systems that work together to maintain daily function. Some of these systems include the circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, muscular, digestive, and endocrine systems. Upper School students in Mrs. Peck’s Anatomy and Physiology class were assigned as their final project this year to prepare an in-depth lesson plan to educate first graders about one of the human body systems.

In addition, students used ebook publishing software to create a children’s book to present to Shorecrest first graders. The books were also meant to be shared with members of the Shorecrest community and patients/families at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital.

The high schoolers were told to keep in mind the essential question: How do the major organs of a body system help to keep us alive, and how are diseases or disorders of a body system treated?

Classmates worked in small groups to plan a 10-15 minute lesson plan for first graders who then visited the class to learn more about their bodies. The first graders moved around to each team's table and were able to learn more and view the ebooks.

Mrs. Peck hopes to add to the project next year and have student create a model of an organ or body system part using a 3D Printer in the Media Center.

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