Shorecrest School

Gaming in Class?

Upper School News

... Well, yes!

For the second year in a row, Mr. Heller's Honors US History class culminated their exposure to "Uncle Tom's Cabin" with a project recreating scenes from the novel.

Earlier students were treated to a great introduction of Harriett Beecher Stowe by Ms. Sanders, which supplemented their knowledge of the antebellum South. They then viewed an exhibit of 100s of editions and ephemera related to the novel at USF Tampa. The exhibit explores how racism, stereotyping, and visual image interact.  

Students then moved onto Minecraft, a video game that allows players to be creators and build a 3D generated world. The students really enjoyed being creative to recreate scenes from the novel while using prints and daguerreotypes as inspiration. In all, the unit was cross-curricular, experiential and student-centered learning wrapped into one!

View some sample projects:

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