Shorecrest School

International Day of Peace

Lower School News

In celebration of the upcoming International Day of Peace on September 21, all Lower School students and many visiting parents/guardians and faculty/staff joined for a special Town Meeting. Students honored peace through song, dance, thoughtful prose, and multiple languages. 

Miss Marilyn, Lower School Music Teacher, began the program by leading all the students in singing "One Day" by Matisyahu. 

In art class with Mrs. Auletta, students are making 1000 origami cranes in memory of the protagonist of a book they recently read, "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes." Sadako was a real girl living in Hiroshima in the 1950s and died from radiation poisoning from the atom bomb dropped there. 

Next, Kindergarteners shared how to say "Peace" in eight different languages.

Third and fourth graders spent time discussing peace in their classrooms, and created a statement of peace meaningful to them. They shared their statements in Spanish and English.

Lower School students joined in song once more and ended the celebration of Peace with "El Mismo Sol" by Alvaro Soler.

Fourth graders received a surprise at lunch later in the day when their eighth grade buddies arrived with paper cranes for them, each with a hand-written message of peace attached.

View a video of the Town Meeting here:

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