Shorecrest School

Contributing Charger: Tom Richmond


Over the course of the year, we will highlight some of our Contributing Chargers, those members who have provided the Shorecrest community with their time, talent and/or financial support through Two Funds. One Mission. 

Today’s Contributing Charger is Tom Richmond, a Lower School parent of Enzo ’28. He is a very active parent volunteer, this year’s Fall Festival Co-Chair, and a supporter of Two Funds. One Mission. Tom and his wife, Elizabeth, contribute to the Shorecrest community because they believe that investing their time and talent will help their child as well as current and future students of Shorecrest. 

“We did substantial due diligence and felt that Shorecrest embodied the core values that we hold dear and wish to impart in our son. By investing our time, talent, and treasure — we will fulfill our greatest investment and commitment in life, supporting our son Enzo and the community he’s a part of. By supporting Two Funds. One Mission. and Shorecrest we are passing along what we can to future generations. Investing in Transform helps provide critical infrastructure needs. It takes a community to raise a child. Lastly, we have had the great fortune of meeting, befriending and being befriended by so many lovely, like-minded parents. We are in awe of their great life experiences and are excited to share the Shorecrest experience with them.”

Shorecrest is so much more than a school. It is a community of families with a common focus to provide the necessary spaces and resources to support our amazing teachers and allow students to become lifelong learners in state-of-the-art-spaces. Parent volunteers, like Tom Richmond, help Shorecrest fulfill its mission.

Financial support is just one way that our families contribute, but many families also choose to contribute by leading and participating in events, activities, and services that support the educational, social, and fundraising needs of the School. Participation can start with coming to a 30-minute event once a year, or grow into planning one of our annual events. When we make a gift or volunteer our time to Shorecrest, we are really just giving to each other. 

This is a pivotal year to sustain the Annual Fund and finish Transform. Visit to join our growing group of supporters.

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