Shorecrest School

Contributing Charger: Jennifer Nguyen


Over the course of the year we will highlight some of our Contributing Chargers, those members who have provided the Shorecrest community with their time, talent and/or financial support through Two Funds. One Mission

Today’s Contributing Charger is Jennifer Nguyen, a Lower School parent of Jocelyn A '33.  This year Jennifer and Jocelyn were new to Shorecrest and have enjoyed being a part of the camaraderie and unity that lies within this community. Jennifer supports Shorecrest because she feels it is a privilege to contribute to an institution that has the facility and means to best support the student body and individual classes. 

“Shorecrest's value lies within its faculty and the emphasis they place on creating an environment that teaches and mentors its students to become lifelong contributors to their community and society at large. At school, the faculty and staff excel at incorporating all individuals and classes together as one body to facilitate and encourage confidence within the individual student to step out on their own, and challenges students to go above and beyond what they thought achievable. 

Our contribution will serve as one of many building blocks to make sure current and future students have the tools to discover their passions, develop their skill sets, and have an environment to learn how to practically apply those skill sets in preparation for success at higher levels of education and in the real world.

It is my belief and experience that the study habits learned as a youth directly contribute to one's probability of success later in life. It is also tantamount that the educational experience during youth be active and engaging as well as challenging to promote motivation and develop perseverance needed to advance at higher levels of education. One's perceived early weaknesses and difficulties in obstacles later becomes one's strength in success.”

Financial support is just one way that our families contribute, but many families also choose to contribute by leading and participating in events, activities, and services that support the educational, social, and fundraising needs of the School. Participation can be as small as coming to a 30 minute event once a year, or as big as planning one of our annual events. When we make a gift or volunteer our time to Shorecrest, we are really just giving to each other. 

This is a pivotal year to sustain the Annual Fund and finish Transform. Every gift – whether small or large – helps Shorecrest to fulfill its mission. Visit to join our growing group of supporters.

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