Shorecrest School

Contributing Chargers: Rebecca Armacost

Contributing Chargers Advancement

Shorecrest’s Mission is augmented by the generosity of our parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends who support the school philanthropically or by being advocates in the wider community. We call these community members Contributing Chargers.

Since joining the community in 2017 when her son Jackson '32 started in Alpha, Contributing Charger Rebecca Armacost has become an active member of the community through serving as a member of the Advancement Committee and now as a member of our Board of Trustees. This year Rebecca generously became a Community Sponsor through Amani HR, where she serves as their CEO. She shared her perspectives on being a part of Shorecrest giving community in a recent interview:

What is your connection to Shorecrest? Why is Shorecrest important to you?
Shorecrest means so much to our family. My son Jackson has been at the school since he was in Alpha and is now in the fourth grade. For the last seven years, not only has Jackson received an exceptional education with outstanding and caring teachers, but also, he and I have made connections that we will keep for a lifetime.

We will likely spend 15 years of our lives at Shorecrest and Jackson will literally grow up in this community. I already see what a positive impact the support from our Shorecrest family has made on him. Along with what he is learning at home, what he learns at Shorecrest will shape his values and the man he becomes.

What do you enjoy most about being part of this community?
From my perspective as a parent, it is the relationships we’ve made. But for Jackson, having a PK3 – 12th grade community all on the same campus, offers cross divisional learning opportunities and mentorships with older kids that are so powerful. He now has role models in different divisions that he can look up to and a community that will continue long after graduation.

What drew you to becoming an event sponsor supporting the Shore to Shorecrest 5K? 
This 100-year celebration is so exciting. I love the idea of celebrating Shorecrest’s beginning and where we are now. I was honored to sponsor this event because we get to share this celebration and highlight Shorecrest with the greater community.

What does giving to this community mean to you?
One of the things I love about Shorecrest is that the idea of giving can look different for each family. While it is fun to have an opportunity to sponsor events, my favorite way to give at Shorecrest are through volunteer activities. I’ve loved volunteering in many ways around campus and in the classroom. For me, volunteering has allowed me to develop deeper relationships and give back to the community that means so much to our family.

How do you think your gift will impact current and future Shorecrest students?
Growing up on a college campus, education has always been one of the highest priorities for me. Any gift we can make to education is an investment in the future of our students. I hope that my gift offers other students access to the high-quality education that Shorecrest provides.

Please share something you are looking forward to as we step into our second century.
I truly believe that Shorecrest is a leader in innovative and transformative education. So, I am excited to see how we invest in our infrastructure, embrace new technologies, and continue to lead the conversation on diversity and inclusion to mold tomorrow’s leaders.


The impact of Contributing Chargers like the Armacost family, along with other members of our community, can be felt every day. Support the Shorecrest Fund today by clicking here or email Olivia Segalman, Associate Director of Advancement for Community Engagement & Events, to share yours and others’ Contributing Chargers stories.


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