Shorecrest School

Final Fun Days in Lower School


The final week of Shorecrest Lower School was filled with fun, themed days!

On Monday, fourth graders were presented with Design Thinking day. Students were challenged with figuring out ways to solve everyday problems. One example of a challenge was: 

Problem- germs on our hands can enter our mouths when we eat.
One of the solutions is to apply hand sanitizer to our hands before we eat every meal or snack. A problem with this solution is if people are eating out somewhere it is easy for them to forget to take their bottle of hand sanitizer with them or leave it on the table.
Can you find a better solution? 
Design a way to stop people leaving their hand sanitizer bottles behind. 

Tuesday was Celebrate the Arts for all Lower School students. The day began with an opening session for everyone and then offered students two short, arts-education videos made by guest artists appropriate for their grade level. There were also virtual museum tours, read alouds and a digital gallery of Shorecrest student artwork to visit

“Thanks to specialists Lori Auletta, LS Art Teacher, and Ms. Marilyn, LS Music Teacher, and our wonderful parent coordinator for Celebrate the Arts, Jennifer Manfrey, we had a full day dedicated to celebrating the artists in all our children.” said Dr. Lisa Bianco, Head of Lower School. 

LS students were able to watch an exclusive interview with the lead actors in the Upper School Performing Arts production of “Evita”:

Watch one of the art related read-aloud videos, read by volunteer Jennifer Manfrey:

See more from Celebrate the Arts 2020 here.

On Wednesday s
tudents got to move and groove through the Chargers Olympics! Physical activities included a sack race, yoga salute to the sun, a straw blowing race, a spoon and egg race, a strength workout, a balance workout, and the YMCA dance. The coaches provided a video of a nature walk through Boyd Hill with a corresponding workout.

They also trained their brains with a scavenger hunt, by writing about their favorite sport and reviewing the history of the Olympic games logo and the games themselves. They finished with nutrition that all athletes need, such as recipes to make hummus or black bean hummus. 

Dr. Lisa Bianco provided read-aloud videos of the books “Girl Wonder” and “Jackie's Gift,” and LS Counselor Ms. Fierce read “You're a Great Sport Miss Malarkey.” 

Thursday was Feria LatinX, a day full of Spanish language reinforcement and learning about travel, cooking, dancing and reading. Senora Jaime-Allwood took students on virtual trips to Spanish-speaking countries such as Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia. 

Students read “Margaret and Margarita,” a book about two girls who speak different languages and become friends. They were asked, “Are you friends with anybody who speaks a language that is different from a language you speak at home? Draw a picture of you and your friend playing or spending time together. If you don't have a friend who speaks a different language, draw your favorite part of the story.”

Some lucky students learned to dance the merengue and vallenato with Señora Jaime-Allwood. Señor Zamoff taught students about his favorite sport in Puerto Rico and the only Spanish-speaking country in Africa.

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